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 DATE   Type

  Declare one or more variables of type date.

  DATE var|arr(s[,s[,s]])[,var|arr(s[,s[,s]])]

  var  - The name of a variable to declare.  Must start with a letter
         [A-Z] which may be followed by letters, digits [0-9] or the
         underscore [_].  May be of any length but only the first 32
         characters are used.
  arr  - The name of an array variable to declare.  The same naming
         conventions as var are used.
   s   - The size (0-based) of an array variable dimension.  Any
         constant integer expression is allowed.

  DATE variables are stored as julian dates.  Valid dates are 0 (a special
  case to represent an invalid date) and 1 (1 JAN 1900) through 36524
  (31 DEC 1999) through 65535 (5 JUN 2079).  It is stored internally as a
  two byte unsigned integer.  If a DATE is assigned to or from an INTEGER
  type then the julian date (0-65535) is assigned.  If a DATE is assigned
  to a STRING type then it is automatically converted to the following
  format: "MM/DD/YY", where MM is the two digit month (01-12), DD is the
  two digit day of the month (01-31), and YY is the two digit year (00-99).
  If a foreign language is in use that uses a different date format
  (for example, "DD/MM/YY" or "YY.MM.DD") then that will be taken into
  account.  If a STRING is assigned to a DATE then PPL will do it's best
  to convert the string back to the appropriate julian date.  However,
  dates before 1980 will not be handled correctly because only a two digit
  year is used in strings.  All other types, when assigned to or from a
  DATE, will be converted to an INTEGER first before being assigned to or
  from the DATE type.

  DATE dob, today, range(2), leapYears(50)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson